We would like to draw your attention to the following important recommendations so that you will have a pleasant and enjoyable experience.

Please read them in their entirety

1. Security

Please comply with any security arrangements, directions or notices – they are there to assist in providing a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

a. No food or beverages of any description are to be brought into the venue.

b. While at the venue, the Ticket Holder must maintain safe, prudent and respectful behavior and comply with all security measures and instructions displayed or given by any official.

c. For reasons of security and safety, Lushington reserves the right in its discretion:

i. to refuse suitcases, bags and/or other objects being brought in to the venue (or into any area under the control of Lushington) whether before, during or after the show;

ii. to inspect any bag or other item which any person wishes to bring in to or remove from the venue, whether before, during or after the show; and

iii. to search any Ticket Holder at the venue for prohibited items.

2. Prohibited Items

a. For the comfort and safety of patrons and players, the following items are NOT allowed into the concert venue: Alcohol, any item that could be used as a weapon, audio recorders, video cameras, food and drink, and any item prohibited by legislation.

3. Photographs, Images & Recording, and the Collection of Information

a. Lushington reserves the right to restrict the entry, or removal, of any professional or semi-professional recording equipment if we are of the opinion that the images captured, whether moving or still, are likely to be used for commercial purposes. This includes pocket-sized cameras, camera with detachable lenses, compact cameras with large zooms, video cameras, audio recording devices, tablet computers or iPads.

b. Ticket Purchasers and Ticket Holders consent to being photographed, filmed and recorded as members of the audience, and consent to the use of any such film, image or recording for public transmission.

c. Lushington shall have the right to allow any authorised photographers and/or videographers into the venue for photography and/or video recordings for future advertising and promotional purposes without prior permission from the Ticket Purchaser and/or Ticket Holder.

d. Lushington collects personal information about Ticket Purchaser which is necessary for it to operate the show and to help promote its events. In particular, Lushington may collect the name, address and phone number of each Ticket Purchaser for the purposes of coordinating the seating at the venue and for conducting research, marketing and promotional activities in relation to its events

e. Unless Ticket Purchasers advise otherwise, Ticket Purchasers consent to receiving future promotional and marketing material from Lushington, including via electronic messages (e.g. email, SMS etc)

4. Default

a. Lushington reserves the right, with reasonable cause, to refuse entry to any person or remove any person from the venue. In particular, any person who does not comply with these Conditions may be refused entry or removed from the venue.